Thursday, November 15, 2012

Funny and Common Excuses not to Workout

You might be using these excuses yourself, or maybe your friends are. Either way, I'm going to write some of them and some rebuttals for them...and I'll have a few funny ones at the end.

So here they are, common excuses not to workout and their rebuttals!

"I don't have time."
"If you're reading this or have time for Facebook, then you have time to workout. Only 15 minutes a day is a whole lot better than nothing!"

"I don't like or can't afford going to a gym."
"Workout at home. I did that for years, and sometimes still do."

"I don't want to be sore..."
"Dude, being sore is awesome. It usually means your workout was a good workout."

"I have have a hurt or bad ______, so I can't workout."
"Talk to your doctor first, but try your best to work around it, or take care of that issue is possible."

"I don't like getting sweaty."
"You're kidding right? Sweat means you're working."

"I don't know what to do..."
"Send me an email or something of your goals. I'll give you a plan and then teach you the exercises sometime."

"I don't need to, I'm at a healthy weight."
"Well, working out will turn your "health weight", into a fitter, healthier, and longer living weight. Why not workout?"

"I've seen you workout, working out is way too hard."
"I train for sports, been working out for years and have set high goals. Start off easy. My first goals were to run 3 miles and complete 30 pushups and be able to complete 5 pull ups. That's a good start...and you never have to go hardcore, just slowly progress if you aren't that interested in your fitness."

"I have to do homework."
"Get off my blog, Facebook, your phone, your gaming system and get your homework done so you can workout. This may take time, but slowly limiting your time on those distractions will help you find time. Or if you only do homework and still don't have time, then try only working out 15 minutes a day, it freshens up your mind so you can do your homework faster."

"I eat healthy, so I don't need to."
"You are full of potential! Eating healthy is 1/3 of health and fitness! Workout and you should get grand results, a stronger heart, less body fat and many other bonuses!"

"I already showered today."
"Showering twice won't kill you."

"I'm sore in my *insert muscle group here*"
"Work something else."

"Working out is vain."
"If you think working out is vain because it makes you look better, let me say this, brushing your teeth, showering, eating healthy aren't considered vain, yet they make you look better. Why? Because they are healthy and help you live longer. So does working out."

"I'm really sore all over!"
"Rest and eat maybe do some rotator cuff work, but you better workout tomorrow."

"I have a nose cold."
"If it's not too bad and only in your head, you should be fine...just wash or wipe down the equipment you use."

"I have a chest cough, fever or something really bad."
"Dude, rest, don't eat sugar, eat veggies and sleep a lot."

Funny Ones!

"I'm in shape! Round is a shape!"
 "Uh, not the right kind of shape..."

"If I workout I'll smell bad."
"So, you smell bad for one or two hours, look better, feel better and are healthier...or you smell better and get none of those, and who really cares if you smell bad when you workout?"

"I don't want to get all muscly."
"You won't. Unless you eat like a man...and when I say eat like like a man, I mean like two men."

"My heart only has so many beats, I don't want to waste them working out!"
*sigh* "...This is hopeless..."

"I get sore just thinking about working out."
 "Ok...that's weird, now go workout."

"My hair might get messy!"
"That's horrible! We can't have that! Just kidding, workout, shower and fix your hair."

Do you have any other excuses? Let me know.