To fix the problem we do a strength version of circuit training. Circuit training is when you combine 2-3 exercises back to back, usually with little to no rest. We need rest to properly train strength, so we will increase the rest, but we will need less than normal strength training because we are linking exercises. I like 2 minutes of rest per combination. Let me show you what I mean with a sample workout:
3x5 squat
3x5-8 row or pull up
Rest 2 minutes per set.
3x5-8 overhead press
3x3 power clean
Rest 2 minutes per set.
With the squat and row, it'd look like this:
5 squats
Rest 2 minutes
5-8 rows
Rest 2 minutes
5 squats
Rest 2 minutes
8 rows
Rest 2 minutes
5 squats
Rest 2 minutes
8 rows
Do you see what happened there? You actually got 4 minutes of rest per set of each exercise. Granted, this is not as ideal as full our resting for 3-5 minutes, but it sure can yield better results than dropping an exercise for the sake of time.
A final note: please make sure to combine exercises logically. Don't combine rows and dead lifts, because your forearms will fry and you won't be able to lift as heavy. Don't combine squat and dead lift both fry the spinal erectors, quads, hamstrings and are too taxing overall to the body. I actually don't don't combine anything with dead lifts when I train. As I said before, I add a gymnastic move. I link that with my squat, and I combine my push and pull. Dead lifts go all by themselves because they are so taxing and epic.