Here is my current workout plan for the upcoming spring semester. Notice I don't include any upper body. That is because I am following a gymnastic rountine that I bought online. I am not going to post that routine, because I believe that would be breaking their terms and conditions. It includes some leg work, but it is kind of easy and I will keep it to a minimum (at least during my 20 rep squat cycle).
Week 1:
Day1: test 5rm squat+3rm clean
Day2: test 20 rep high bar squat+3rm deadlift
Week 2:
Day1: 3x5 squat+3pc (5 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x20 squat+1x5 dead lift
Week 3
Day1: 3x5 squat+3pc (5 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x20 squat+1x5 dead lift
Week 4
Day1: 3x5 squat+3pc (5 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x20 squat+1x5 dead lift
Week 5
Day1: 3x5 squat+3pc (5 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x20 squat+1x5 dead lift
Week 6
Day1: 3x5 squat+3pc (5 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x20 squat+1x5 dead lift
Week 7: deload: half volume-same weight
Day1: 3x3 squat+2pc (3 front squat reps per set)
Day2: 1x10 squat+1x2-3 deadlift
New cycle! Heavier weight+less volume
Week 8
Day1: test 5rm squat+3rm clean
Day2: test 5rm front squat+3rm dead lift
Week 9
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 10
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 11
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 12: deload: half volume-same weight
Day1: 3x3 back squat+2x2pc
Day2: 3x4 front squat+1x2-3 deadlift
Week 13
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 14
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 15
Day1: 3x5 back squat+3x3pc
Day2: 3x8 front squat+1x5 deadlift
Week 16
Day1: test back squat+test power clean
Day2: test front squat+test deadlift
Back squat-low bar: +5 lbs a week. Drop 5-10 lbs after deload week.
Back squat-high bar (20r): +5-10 lbs once able to do complete.
Power cleans: +5 pounds a week. Drop 2.5-7.5 after deload week. Only add 2.5lbs a week once you stall out.
Front squats: +5 (or 10, if movement is becoming easier) lbs a week. Drop 5-10 lbs after deload week.
Deadlifts: +10 lbs a week, drop 10-15 lbs after deload. If you stall, only add 5 a week.
Back squat: 20 rep: 225... 5 rep: 315
Power clean: over bodyweight (175?)
Front squat: 225x5 to 8 reps (bum to ground)
Deadlift: 405x1-5
Eat a crap ton of healthy food. Also drink at least 1 liter of milk a day. 1 cheat day per week (can drink less milk and eat whatever the heck I want).
Foam roll/use a lacrosse ball daily.
Stretch whenever you're bored.
Sleep 7-8 hours a night. Don't procrastinate studying, or you'll lose some of this sleep. Less sleep=less recovery=higher chance of injury=lower chance of improving.
20 rep squats and my gymnastic rountine will keep me in shape until it's nicer out. After that I will be doing hill sprints, strongman conditioning and helping coach the track team (which I will join in on some of the drills) so I'll be quite conditioned.
I will also be working manual labor 30-35 hours a week. That gives me a little bit of aerobic conditioning.