Saturday, July 7, 2012


I don't know a ton about caffeine, but I read a few articles on the subject. So here we go...

From my own experience, I don't find caffeine worth it. It usually can cause addiction, crashing, dehydration and headaches... with a short burst of energy.

But it's not all bad! Caffeine can be used to up your performance! Well, if you use it right. Drinking your daily cup isn't the way. If you drink (or take pill form) one hour before you lift. It can give you a energy spike while you lift, which could help you lift that extra weight, or get one more rep... but I don't know all the effects caffeine has on you, but you're supposed to wean off of it at least one week before a big event, like a track meet or a soccer game. I have games/meets weekly, so caffeine just wouldn't be worth it except during the winter for me.

There are all these claims that coffee helps live longer and such, but I somehow doubt it. Maybe in small amounts... but eating healthy, staying fit and sleeping right will give you more benefits than coffee ever will, and make you live even longer!

If you like your coffee with sugar in it, then the whole helpful aspect of it is gone. Drink it black or maybe with non-sweetened cream (honey is ok though) or don't drink it.

Here's a article I found about soccer and caffeine. Turns out it effects your 'fine-motor-skills' (ball handling skills, writing, typing, etc), so it wouldn't help a soccer player in the long run. Just being fit is better!


  1. Interesting! I think the fact that caffeine consumed on a regular basis can become addicting is something that Christians should think about! Thanks for sharing, Billy!

  2. Hey there. I was drinking a cup of coffee as I read this (black, of course). Let's just say, I finished the coffee but was intrigued by your post. Thanks!
