Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dip Belt

Well, I just came back from the Allagash canoeing trip, but because I don't feel like writing a long post right now, I'm not going to write about that right now.

Instead, I'm writing about my new dip belt! We just received the box it came it when I was on the canoeing trip. It cost $27, so that's not that bad. That's cheaper than some fancy meals! I read the reviews on, and the only problem people seemed to have was the chain that connected the weights to the belt was a little too short. I'm a short and skinny guy, so that shouldn't be a problem with me! I'll just have to keep thin.

So, what's a dip belt? It's a belt that goes around your waist (duh), and has a chain in front that you can connect weights to. Some people claimed they did pull ups for reps with over 100 pounds on it, so I don't think that I'll be 'out growing' it anytime soon. The great thing about a dip belt is that I can add weight to my pull ups/chin ups/dips without bringing weights (weighed vest) to the gym, or I can use my home weights. The belt also places weight under your center of gravity, so it moves with your bodyweight naturally.

Another plus is I can add weights from 2.5 pounds to 155 pounds to it! Pretty good for any strength range! Though, I think my pull up bar's max weight is 300 pounds, so 160+155=315. That's if I don't gain any weight while lifting! So, I'd eventually max out my pull up bar, which is fine because I'll have built plenty of muscle, and I can work on one arm chin ups!

To say the least, I'm excited to use my dip belt!

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