So, after running in track for a couple of months my legs need a rest. My legs take a toll after a couple of months of sprinting on tar coated in 1/4 inch of rubber. Because of this, I'm taking a week off of running to let my joints rest.
After training hard for a while you should take a week off, unless you have planned rest days and easy days.
Running on tar can also slowly injure your joints. Running in it for a month or two is usually fine, but only running on tar can cause knee injuries, hip injuries, lower back injuries, etc... pretty much any joint impacted from running. This doesn't mean you always have to take a week off every couple if months.
It'd be better to run on something not as solid, like; sand, grass and packed dirt because those are easier on the joints. Running on tar is fine, as long as you don't over do it... same goes for most things! It'd be best for you to cross train, actually. Biking and running, swimming and running, biking and swimming, or all three together is a good way to cross train. Cross training is easier on the joints, and if you injure your shin (shin splints) while running, you can still bike or swim! If you hurt your shoulder swimming, you can still bike or run. If you get hurt in biking, well, I'm not sure what you can do.
Another thing that's good about cross training is that running hits all of your legs pretty hard, while biking hits the upper legs more than running does. So if your quads are lacking, biking could help you out! Swimming is a whole body exercise. I'd say it's the best for you, but the hardest to do a lot of to actually get fit. If you live near a beach or have a big pool, then by all means, make that your main sport. It works your legs, arm, abs and back. Biking barely hits the back muscles. Running kind of does, but no where near as intensely as swimming would. Running mainly uses the back for stabilizing. The back is only out gunned by your legs, so you'll be hitting pretty much all your big muscles quite well when swimming. A problem with swimming is that is the fact you can drown when you get tired, unlike running or biking. So you have to be more careful with swimming.
Biking can be extremely useful. It can bring you places without spending gas, and gives you a good quad and cardio workout! It's by far the easiest out of the three main cardio sports. I doubt biking alone will keep you fit. Also, it can develop the quads faster than the calves, so running could feel awkward and hard after only bike training.
Running. Running beats them all. Why? You can do it anywhere, it's tougher than biking, helps with nearly all sports and requires nearly none or no equipment! Barefoot running is an option that doesn't even require shoes.
So, pretty much, do them all. Swimming is the hardest, running you can do the most and is the best for most sports, and biking is the best for injury recovery and can bring you places.
It's summer time: have fun outside and get fit!
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