Friday, September 30, 2011

Weird Dog.....

In case you, the reader does not know, I have a pet pug. His name is Doug. He is a bit taller and more fit than your average pug. Because of that we think he's not fully pug. He has a nice soft fawn colored coat. His favorite thing in the whole world is food, then humans, then car rides. He also has some pretty weird perks: licking for no reason for more than two minutes straight, being afraid of anything that is small and moves when he gets close (then sometimes he tries to eat it), chases cars, and many other strange things. One thing he always loved was cars and car rides. He even knows what the word "ride" means (along with "food", "treat" and "walk").

So usually he would love to go for a car ride, but today our van is in the car shop. So my dad is borrowing a small red car until the van is fixed up. He brought the car home and usually Doug would run out there, say hi to who ever was in the car and then try and get in to go for a ride. This time he ran away from the car, and acted as if he were scared of it. Dad noticed this and decided to slam the trunk shut after getting his stuff out. This made Doug even more scared, and it made the scene for us who were watching even more hilarious. Doug would try and get close, then suddenly run away again. This went on for a little while, and occasionally he would run up the driveway in fear of the car. I then tried to bring him back in by his leash because I had to continue my school. He wouldn't let me. I had to drag him. So instead of wasting my time I had to pick him up. He was terrified so he clung to me. Once we were inside I put him down and he ran away from the door and started barking.

In a few minutes, Dad then picked him up brought him to the car to go for a little ride. At first he didn't even go in. After about a minute or so he decided to try it. He went in for a second and turned tail and ran out. Then after Dad got in he decided to try again. He got in and Dad closed the door. He was a little scared, but ended up not minding. That concludes the story of my weird dog!

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