Sunday, March 4, 2012

End of SMASH

This past weekend was the end of SMASH. Cast B finished their performances. They did amazing! I watched all of them. Sadly, they only had two. A snow storm cancelled the first show. I will probably post pictures when I find the time and the bored-ness to find a few good pictures to put on here.

I will miss all of the SMASHers, but I plan on biking to their houses this summer and spring (if track allows). I'm very excited for our cast party, which is coming up this Saturday! I'm only hoping that they don't decided to use the cast party to dance. That'd be pretty lame for us non(and don't want to learn)-dancers.

On a different note, I found a program that supposed to eventually bring you to 30-50 pull-ups! I've retested my self on pull-ups, I got 25. I think I was cheating by using my momentum before, now I plan to not cheat anymore. Going slower and more controlled builds more muscle anyway! I can't wait to follow that program. It will take months to build up, but that's better than having no plan and never achingly my goal of 50 pull-ups!

The pull-up program is for someone of any fitness, even if you can't do a pull-up. Your goal could be ten! If you want to do it with me, just let me know and I'll send you the site. It's awesome. If you can't do a pull-up (or every few) they start you on negatives. From what I've seen it looks like a great program.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like the site please! I may not do it right now but I'll bookmark it. Thank you!
